Parshat Eikev
The Power of FOMO It’s really satisfying to take a few moments to savor the beginning of this week’s parsha. It is filled with descriptions
The Power of FOMO It’s really satisfying to take a few moments to savor the beginning of this week’s parsha. It is filled with descriptions
Walking Forward from the Center This week, the parsha feels so in tune with where we are standing. It’s like that deep breath we can
Stepping into Tisha B’av This week we walk directly from the closeness of Shabbat into the distance of Tisha B’av. We also begin Sefer Devarim,
Wandering in the Desert of the Nations Every year we finish the book of Bamidbar, the book of the desert, during the period of the
The System and the Shtuss Last week we read about Bilam and Balak’s plans to destroy us. Hashem protects us from their curses and their