Pesach Posts and Resources

An intro to the inner work of the month of Nissan, including an introduction to an amazing avodah for the first 12 days of the month from Rav Dovber Pinson. And a bonus 5 minute Journey Through the Haggadah.  

On this page you can find the link to the 2023 Journey Through the Plagues,  a series of daily whatsapp messages, beginning Rosh Chodesh Nissan that year, focusing on one makkah a day, and the message behind it. 

There is also the Plagues Project, which is an earlier, more simplified version in print. Good for the seder. 

I had the privilege of turning this amazing set of Shiurim from Rav Gerzi into a written form. Enjoy! 

A series of ten short divrei Torah, flowing with the Seder, based on Rav Moshe Shapiro’s Reflections and Introspection, Exile and Exodus. Each concludes with a short prompt for further thought or discussion.