Category: Ohr Gedalyahu

Parshat Balak

Truth in Positive and Negative Form Every so often, it’s really satisfying to be wrong—to realize that there’s a whole other way of looking at

Parshat Chukat

Earth and Ashes In this parsha we begin with the mitzvah that is at one and the same time the most incomprehensible and also the

Parshat Korach

Monday’s Song: Yearning for Shamayim All the trouble began on Monday. On that day, the second day of the creation of the world, Hashem separated

Parshat Shelach

Seeing Good This is the parsha of the spies; the parsha of seeking out, scouting and spying. Essentially, this is the parsha of the Hebrew

Parshat Baha’alotecha

Is Bamidbar a Broken Book? From one perspective we can look at Bamidbar and see a broken book, both physically and spiritually. Physically, Bamidbar is