Category: Ohr Gedalyahu

Parshat Nasso

The Wonder of Reacting by Acting I was tempted to begin this post with a comment on how the events of the last week have

Parshat Bamidbar and Shavout

Bamidbar: Stand Up And Be Counted When you’re in the middle of a war-of-sorts, it’s somewhat striking when the parsha of the week begins with

Behar Bechukotai

The Fruit of the Tree is Wheat? This week, I want to focus on a bracha; specifically the bracha that is spelled out in the

Parshat Emor / Lag Ba’omer

Part I: Lag Ba’omer This morning I am writing with a heavy heart after the tragedy in Meron last night. As usual I am finishing

Parshat Achrei Mot Kedoshim

Always Holy This week I’m sending out these words from Teveria where the Tomb of Rabbi Akiva is located. Rav Schorr, in his comments on