Category: Ohr Gedalyahu

Parshat Tazriah Metzorah

Connecting the First to the Last These are parshiot of tumah. Specifically, pasuk after pasuk about the laws of tzaraat, and the negaim, the afflicted

Rosh Chodesh Iyar

This learning is l’ilui nishmat our dear friend Albert Naggar, Avraham ben Latifa z”l, whose impact continues to echo through our lives. Rosh Chodesh Iyar

Parshat Vayikra

The Paradox of Freedom It was fascinating to me this year to realize that just as we are getting full swing into the Pesach preparations,

Parshat Vayakel – Pekudei

Putting Together the Pieces The parshiot of Vayakel and Pekudei are the parshiot of resolution. The Midrash tells us that “Vayakel Moshe, Moshe gathered the

Parshat Ki Tisa

The Broken-Up Path At the moment that Bnei Yisrael were building the Golden Calf, Moshe was on Har Sinai in the process of receiving the