Sparks of Vayakel (and Pekudei)
Sparks of Vayakel (and Pekudei) Conversations At Home The end of sefer Shemot can seem a bit repetitive. As Ramban (Bereisheit 36:8) points out, Hashem
Sparks of Vayakel (and Pekudei) Conversations At Home The end of sefer Shemot can seem a bit repetitive. As Ramban (Bereisheit 36:8) points out, Hashem
Sparks of Ki Tisa The Golden Calf at Evening Time This week we revisit a tragedy that happened a very long time ago: the sin
Sparks of Tezaveh The Clothes Make The Man A good amount of this week’s parsha, which deals mostly with the inauguration of the Kohanim, is
Sparks of Mishpatim Judgements and the Number 13 Last week we were standing at Har Sinai. This week we begin with the laws of
Sparks of Beshalach Horse and Rider into the Sea For me, the first question of this week’s parsha is, “Why?!” We just finished the full